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June 7, 2019 will be my last day of going to an office to serve in a staff position. I will be “retiring” and then what? Well, I may be retiring but I am not quitting. I will continue to preach and serve as interim pastor at every opportunity. I will continue to be an advocate in the community, the state and the nation for Freedom of Religion, for traditional (biblical) marriage, for families, and for a culture that reflects the values that have made America great.

However, as I continue to be involved and trust busy, it is a different stage of life. It is a final sprint to the finish line. No, I am not dying (that I am aware of) any more than we are all dying and we are all terminal. I am however more aware than ever before that heaven is getting closer and things that I once thought were very important have gone way down on my bucket list.

I packed the plaques, awards and degrees from the walls of my office and I realized that those are not the stuff that my life has been made of. They each represented people and opportunities that have been part of my journey and the what and who they represent have flooded my heart with memories of God’s blessings.

As I reflect on the past I must say I have been most blessed. I am so very unworthy of the life journey that God has allowed me travel. Diana and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary in September. Christian and Joseph have grown-up, married and given me 4 incredible grandchildren. Far too often I was too busy running the race that I failed to enjoy the journey and failed to give this fantastic family the time they desired.

Time with family and friends is the number 2 priority of this stage of my journey. Of course the number 1 prior is spending more time with God and time in His word (not preparing for the next message, but just to mediate on His word.

While I could write a book on looking back I have said many times that if you spend all of your time looking in the rearview mirror you are headed for a wreck. Thus, I turn my attention to look out the windshield and see a wonder journey before me. I desire to be faithful to the finish and cross the finish line with both hand raised celebrating His victory.

While life is going to be different it is not done yet. Much of the decay of our culture has happened during my life this far. With all that is within me I am determined to repair the damage that has happening under my generations’ watch.

I am only one, but one with God and He can use even one to change a nation and impact the world. While I am only one I am not the only one. There are many men and women who are involved in standing up, speaking up, organizing and mobilizing to impact the culture and change the world.

While I can see the finish line from here it doesn’t compile me to stop, but rather compiles me to sprint for the day is coming when I will leave this world to enjoy all eternity in a place He is preparing for me. Now it the time, today is the day, we are the generation.

Retirement here I come.

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